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International Gorilla Conservation Programme
Non-governmental Organization
IGCP operates in a Landscape context, focusing on key conservation targets and working with a variety of different stakeholders. These include local farmers, park authorities, local and regional governments and environmental experts, all of whose activities have an effect on the environment and the natural resources in that landscape.

IGCP has identified four strategic objectives in support of its goal:

• Effective and financially sustainable management of regional afromontane forests; • Collaborative regional conservation of mountain gorillas and afromontane forests; • Widespread support for conservation of mountain gorillas and regional afromontane forests among interest groups and the general public; • Compatible policy and legislation supportive of conservation of mountain gorillas and regional afromontane forests in force in each country

The goal of IGCP is to ensure the conservation of the regional afromontane forest habitats of the mountain gorillas in Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP) was formed in 1991, bringing together three international conservation organizations and three protected area authorities: the African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), Fauna and Flora International (FFI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF); the Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature (ICCN), the Office Rwandais de Tourisme et des Parcs Nationaux(ORTPN) and the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).

The programme is based on the experience and long-term involvement of these organizations in conservation work in Africa and elsewhere. IGCP has focused on working with professional African conservationists, both as part of the team and as partners on the ground. Effective conservation of endangered species and habitats has become increasingly complex in this part of Africa due to the continued political instability of the region. IGCP has adopted an approach that allows it to respond in a flexible manner to the needs and priorities on the ground.

One of the principal characteristics of the programme is that it is regional, basing its activities in the afromontane forest habitat that lies across the shared borders of Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Emphasis is placed, at all levels, on regional collaboration, to ensure that the three countries work together to protect and conserve this area. Regional activities include: ecological monitoring and surveillance; tourism development; joint training, communication and sharing of experiences; planning; community participation and management planning.